Via Amerigo Vespucci 6, 20863 - Concorezzo MB


Via Amerigo Vespucci 6, 20863 - Concorezzo MB

Carrozzeria a Concorezzo

Carrozzeria Mentana

Carrozzeria Multimarca a Concorezzo

Carrozzeria e Riparazione Auto Multimarca
I Nostri Servizi

Da oltre 40 anni ci impegnamo a offrire un’assistenza completa e personalizzata, combinando competenza artigianale e tecnologie innovative. Siamo specializzati nella gestione di veicoli di ogni marca e modello, garantendo interventi precisi e professionali, dal piccolo danno estetico alle riparazioni strutturali più complesse.

    • Verniciatura Completa
    • Lucidatura
    • Riparazione Danni alla Carrozzeria
    • Riparazione Bolli da Grandine
    • Sostituzione e Riparazione Vetri
    • Riparazione e Sostituzione Sensori e Telecamere
    • Rigenerazione Fari
    • Pulizia e Lavaggio Interni
    • Sostituzione e Riparazione Vetri
    • Riparazione e Sostituzione Sensori e Telecamere
    • Rigenerazione Fari

La tua Carrozzeria di Fiducia

Offriamo un Servizio Completo
Tutti gli Interventi di Carrozzeria Auto e Furgoni
Gestione Sinistri e Pratiche Assicurative
Auto di Cortesia Gratuita
Ricambi Originali
of Experience
2. 9k
& Workers
Customer Reviews

I took my car there to get fixed after I was hit and my rear upper controler arm was bent. They gave me the best estimate, and had the work done super quick! The customer service was amazing, and they were very polite and knowledgable!

– Silvia R. Brown, Manager
Customer Reviews

I would recommend Car Repair Service to anyone without a doubt! Very professional and reliable. The best customer service and reasonable prices. My go to auto shop from now on!!!

– Jeffrey Holton, Electrician
Customer Reviews

I would recommend Car Repair Service to anyone without a doubt! Very professional and reliable. The best customer service and reasonable prices. My go to auto shop from now on and The customer service was amazing, and they were very polite and knowledgable!

– Rachel Bell, Industrial photographer

Auto Maintenance FAQs

How often should I get my oil changed?
For a long time and sometimes still today, standard practice at many lube shops is to suggest oil changes every three months or 3,000 miles. In order to know when the best time to get your oil changed is, check the owner’s manual of your specific model for manufacturer-recommended intervals.
Should I worry about servicing my leased vehicle?
For a long time and sometimes still today, standard practice at many lube shops is to suggest oil changes every three months or 3,000 miles. In order to know when the best time to get your oil changed is, check the owner’s manual of your specific model for manufacturer-recommended intervals.
Do I need to charge my battery after I jump-start my vehicle?
For a long time and sometimes still today, standard practice at many lube shops is to suggest oil changes every three months or 3,000 miles. In order to know when the best time to get your oil changed is, check the owner’s manual of your specific model for manufacturer-recommended intervals.
How do I know when I need new brakes?
For a long time and sometimes still today, standard practice at many lube shops is to suggest oil changes every three months or 3,000 miles. In order to know when the best time to get your oil changed is, check the owner’s manual of your specific model for manufacturer-recommended intervals.
Repairs & Servicing
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Auto di Cortesia Gratuita

Durante le riparazioni del tuo veicolo, mettiamo a disposizione un’Auto di Cortesia per garantirti la massima comodità nei tuoi spostamenti.

Carrozzeria Multimarca

Servizio completo e personalizzato per ogni tipo di Auto e Furgoni

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